Executive Director of the TBEC Yuliia
Kalancha, informed participants of the Regional Forum "Advocacy in the
EECA region after the UNHLM on TB: from Commitments to Actions" about
mechanisms for meaningful engagement CSOs and communities in the implementation
process of the Political Declaration on TB.
The event, organized online on March 20, 2024 by the PAS Center with the
support of the Stop TB Partnership, brought together more than 120 participants
from countries in the region.
In her speech, Yuliia Kalancha focused the attention of representatives of
affected communities and civil society on the opportunities for implementation
in countries:
- A Multisectoral accountability framework to accelerate progress to end TB,
- A standardized package of community-based support services to improve TB prevention and treatment outcomes,
- Data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators to assess the impact of CSOs and communities.
"These mechanisms can serve as a reliable foundation for meaningful civil society and community engagement in achieving goals and fulfilling the UNHLM on TB commitments." noted the speaker.