We have collected links to the most relevant brochures and guides published by TBEC in recent years.
These materials provide not only theoretical knowledge but also offer practical advocacy solutions for implementation in WHO European Region countries.
Each of these publications is available in two regional languages — Russian and English.
Take some time to read them and share with your colleagues!
- Brochure “UN HLM Political Declaration on TB 2023: analysis of opportunities for CSOs and TB-affected communities engagement in the document implementation and recommendations on application of relevant advocacy tools” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2024/09/un-hlm-political-declaration_analysis-of-opportunities_en.pdf
- Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators to measure the level of engagement of communities and CSOs in the National TB response included in the new TB Action Plan for the WHO European Region for 2023–2030 https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2024/04/data_collection_algorithm_eng.pdf
- Policy brief “Affected communities/civil society meaningful engagement into integrated health response on TB, HIV and viral hepatitis” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2022/10/tbec-3-diseases-a4-en-fin.pdf
- Unpacking Multisectoral Collaboration & Accountability In The End TB Response: Reference Guide For Civil Society and TB Affected Communities On Background, Essentials And Key Actions https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2022/10/multisectoral-collaboration-en-1.pdf
- Guide for civil society organisations and organisations of the communities affected by TB “Collecting Data for calculation of the four indicators of the WHO Regional Office for Europe” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2024/01/cso_collecting_data_en.pdf
- A Guide for Affected Community and Civil Society Organizations and National TB Programs and Policy Makers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia “Standardized package of community-based support services to improve TB outcomes” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2022/10/standardized-package-of-community-based-supportive-services-to-improve-tb-outcomes-27-oct-21.pdf
- Guide for civil society organizations and communities affected by tuberculosis “Communication to facilitate initiation and launch of multisectoral accountability framework to accelerate progress to end TB at the country level” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2024/01/guide_communication_maf-tb_eng.pdf
- “Guide for programmatic support on utilizing an Excel-based tool for mapping of community systems strengthening and community-led responses” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2023/10/programmatic_support.pdf
- The brochure “CSOs and Community lnsights: Lessons Learned from GC7 Country Proposal Development in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan” https://tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2024/05/lessons-learned--gc7_eng.pdf
You can find more educational materials for advocacy activities by CSOs and communities in the RESOURCES section on the TBEC website.