On 19 September, the Regional Collaborating Committee on Accelerated Response to TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis (RCC-THV) gathered to present the updated membership and terms of reference of the Committee.
The meeting participants also were updated on plans for the WHO TB, HIV and hepatitis programmes through 2024, including updates on recently released global guidelines; the results of the NTP and HIV programme reviews and their key lessons learned; results of World Hepatitis Day, etc.
TBEC Executive Director Yuliia Kalancha presented to the Committee members the recently launched online training course on the Standardized Package of community-based support services on the OpenWHO platform and the brochure "UN HLM Political Declaration on TB 2023: Analysis of Opportunities for CSOs and TB-Affected Communities Engagement in the Document Implementation and Recommendations on Application of Relevant Advocacy Tools" published by TBEC for the anniversary of the adoption of the Political Declaration on TB 2023.