Civil Society unites to improve access to TB medicines in Western Europe

Representatives from 11 TB advocacy organizations participated in an online meeting organized by TBEC to coordinate civil society actions aimed at improving access to TB medicines in Western Europe.

The impetus for the discussion of the next advocacy steps for NGOs and communities that happened on 31 July was the Regional Meeting on Improving Access to and Availability of TB and DR-TB Medicines in the EU and the European Economic Area. This meeting was organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Government of Germany in Berlin in early summer 2024.

Participants exchanged up-to-date information on the situation regarding access to TB medicines  in Western European countries and identified the priority actions needed at the regional and national levels.

Among other things, it was decided to significantly enhance coordination and the involvement of civil society in conducting global and regional advocacy campaigns, as well as in the development and dissemination of advocacy materials aimed at expanding access to TB drugs in Europe.

The next stakeholder meeting is planned to be held in early 2025 in accordance with the progress made in the outlined actions under the leadership of WHO.

We thank our partners for their active participation in this important initiative for people with TB! If your organization operates in Western European countries and wants to join civil society actions to improve access to TB medicines, please contact TBEC Program Manager Vlada Rabinova at


Civil Society unites to improve access to TB medicines in Western Europe
Civil Society unites to improve access to TB medicines in Western Europe