Please join us for a unique series of interregional online meetings, where leading experts will exchange cutting-edge experiences on the adaptation and implementation of WHO’s Multisectoral Accountability Framework to End TB (MAF-TB).
The meetings are holding in October and November 2024, with the second meeting taking place on 31 October with the theme: “Key Practical Steps in Implementing MAF-TB: Global Good Practices”. The event is organized by the TB Europe Coalition, the World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Programme and WHO’s Regional Office for Europe.
The online meetings will bring together representatives from ministries, national TB and HIV programs, civil society organizations (CSOs), communities, and other stakeholders from different regions to share their good practices and experiences on various aspects of multisectoral collaboration and accountability in their countries.
The second online meeting will dedicate to strengthening a national multisectoral coordination and review mechanism, developing MAF-TB plan and establishing links with sectors and ministries involved. The meeting will be held in an interactive format, with opportunities for participants to ask questions, offer feedback, and share their experiences in the MAF-TB processes.
Please refer to the agenda below:
When: October 31, 2024, 2 pm-4 pm (Central European Time, CET)
· Welcome - Dr. Askar Yedilbayev, Regional Advisor TB, WHO Regional Office for Europe
· Quick visual overview of 10 practical steps for MAF-TB implementation - Dr. Sayohat Hasanova, Joint Tuberculosis, HIV and Viral Hepatitis Program, WHO Regional Office for Europe
· Brazil experience: Establishing an inter-ministerial committee and linked plan on TB elimination and other socially dangerous diseases with the involvement of parliamentarians (MAF-TB steps 3 - 6) - Melisane Ferreira, Nurse and Public Health Specialist, Technical consultant at the National Tuberculosis Program of the Ministry of Health, Brazil
· Experience of Bangladesh: Implementing the MAF-TB Action Plan and expanding engagement of key stakeholders to address the social determinants of TB (MAF-TB Steps 4-7) - Dr Zahangir Kabir, National TB Programme Manager; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh; Sayeda Jesmin Sultana Milky, Chief Coordinator (Corona cell) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh (TBC); Dr. Farhana Nishat Seheli, Senior Manager, Technical, Communicable Disease, BRAC Health Programme, BRAC, Bangladesh
· Ukraine's experience in launching the Algorithm of MAF-TB implementation at the national level (Across all 10 MAF-TB steps) - Yana Terleeva, Head of TB Management and Counteraction Department, Public Health Center of the MOH of Ukraine
Languages: English/Russian/French (simultaneous interpretation)
Financial support for the event is provided by the World Health Organization and the Stop TB Partnership/UNOPS.