A training on community engagement in TB research and development was held in Moldova

On December 2-4, 2024 a training on community engagement in TB research and development took place in Chisinau, Moldova.

The 3-day training, organized by Center for Policies and Studies (PAS Center), brought together representatives of CSOs and communities from the EECA region implementing grants under the CFCS mechanism of the Stop TB Partnership, members of the Country Coordinating Mechanism and partners.

The training was also attended by representatives of TBEC: Executive Director Yuliia Kalancha and Programme Manager Vlada Rabinova, as well as Board members Cristina Celan, Oxana Ruscineanu, Daniil Kashnitsky and Olexandra Denysenko.


The main objectives of the training were:

  • To inform key representatives of the TB community and CSOs about research and trials, data collection methods.
  • Learn what steps and data is required to conduct meaningful community led and (or) based research (CLR/ and CBR).
  • Discuss what data is required to support country scale up of people centered models of care, including updating diagnostic algorithms, WHO recommended treatments as well as prevention.
  •  Discuss how and where to use the results of CLR/CBR studies to increase their impact on policy translation.
  •  Develop an action plan for conducting CLR research at the country level in the coming years.


We are confident that the knowledge and skills gained will be usefully applied in the EECA region and will give a new impetus to meaningfully engage civil society in such an important area for ending TB!

A training on community engagement in TB research and development was held in Moldova
A training on community engagement in TB research and development was held in Moldova